Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why so Serious???

Well the month has come and almost gone. Its been a hard one.

The first of the month your excited to get rid of all those bad habits (choices) you've been making for the last year or in my case 4 years. Your pumped! You have a plan, and its a good one. You jump on that train, headed to Slimville...and then, CRASH!!! You hit the wall.

I can say that my desire of getting myself, diet and health have not fallen to short, just a bit. If I were grading myself I would average a C+. Not bad, but no as good as I could have done.

My workouts/gym was the health, we will have to see, but where I have "jumped" the track, was my diet. It's not as bad as I'm making it seem, but bad enough for me. I went in head first with the plan not to DRINK. That didn't happen. The other, more fruits and veggies, that did happen ;) No fast food...uhh, yah that didn't happen (Russ has an overwhelming craving for a BigMac), I followed suit with a cheese burger meal, not just the one cheese burger but the two, its a #4 on that damn menu board for you out there that don't eat McDonalds. I had some ice cream in the mix, chocolate and chips. What happened??

I can't explain it? Russ has been so supportive, he has even helped me to get to the gym. My friends and family supporting me all the way with helpful hints, telling me to keep going, one bad "jump" doesn't cancel out all the good I have done. Plus to make myself feel better I'm  convinced that all my bad deeds weren't done at once. It was a little "naughty" here and a little "naughty" there.

But for me, I am an ALL in kinda gal. Cold turkey, Balls to the Wall, No pain No Gain, or I use to be.

As the end of the month gets closer, I'm reviewing  my first post, with all my plans, goals and hopes. I haven't failed, I have gained. I am learning...learning that I am a different person than I was 5, 10 and even 15 years ago. My age has changed, my body has changed, and my life has changed.  Its hard growing up, admitting that your legs don't bend that way anymore, running 3 Miles is almost max, and after 30 days of hard workouts, eating better (even with the "naughties") than I have in years, I still don't feel as if I lost an ounce.. I think I gained, actually. It could really set a girl back, all that reality.

Yet with all of that, I'm missing the bigger picture..I have MADE IT, I have successfully made 30DAYS..I have continued to keep at it. That I started at 2Miles @ 4.5, (now at 3M @ 4.8), swimming 40 to 45 min. with 10 second rest, that it to sit in the hot tub or sauna after a workout, and 8lbs weights are my friend.

What I'm also missing is, what I had pledged in my very first post is to have FUN! Have a sense of HUMOR for God sake, to do something different, challenging or not. It's just the rest of my life, right?...Embracing all the good and bad is a part of finding out what work

So out with THE SO SERIOUS posts, and here's to FUN, LAUGHTER, & HEALTHY!!
Bring on the next 30Days, and the next and the next... Cause I'm gonna kick them harder than the first, and MELT this FAT right off my ASS (& stomach, hips, boobs ;)...see yah in the next round!

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