Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Blessing or a Curse?

Ok, so because I'm using this blog to be honest about myself, along with sharing my achievements & failures. I have a confession...

First my achievement...I ran 2.5M at a faster pace than I have in a long was to date (since Dec 1st) the best run yet. I felt good, I'm making progress, so obviously I deserved a little reward. Ha ha ha

That leads me to my failure. I proceeded to have a shot of tequila before the bar. That should have cured my craving, right? Nope I get to Buffalo Bobs or whatever the hell that place is called and decided I did real good all week.."I'll have a margarita, thank you, double shot". Yes it tasted wonderful, but what would the sin be without fat and grease? So Mini corn dogs, chicken tenders, and popcorn shrimp should do.

Now most of us with a conscience would have had "eaters remorse". Nope I enjoyed every moment. I nibbled on everything, fries and all.

Hey its all good, I killed all those calories earlier on the treadmill, right? Not so fast fatty. Those nasty, wonderful, greasy morsels have a way of sticking to your ASS, and your colon.  Which doesn't make for a good run the next day.

Next day.
I've learned my lesson...eating right will payoff much better than eating bad. When I reach my goals then I can tickle my tummy with some "evil" foods, but for now I have to stick to the plan (no pun intended).

The workout.
A bad start to the run this morning only 1M in and my tummy is telling me "potty" (mini corn dogs don't digest very well) I try. Nope. Back to the treadmill I go. Can't run. Most runners get this, not that I qualify as a runner, but potty issues are never ending. Something about the pounding and moving fast, gets "things" moving, which is good, unless you eat crap <----- ;). So I give in to walking. 35minutes later on random (up and down hills @ 3.9mph), I had one of the best workouts. I felt as if I worked off the cravings of yesterday, made some progress in overall time, and work some areas that needed it. And then it happened....

Russ has joined the gym. His second day. I"m very proud of him. Not being a social person, this was a big step. He has plunged into the pool already, and is enjoying the hot tub and sauna. He even got on the bike. Geez,  I haven't even done the sauna! Good for him.

As we are getting ready to leave, the suggestions of my workout becomes the topic. Immediately I go on the defensive. "Don't tell me what to do" "I've been doing this longer than you and I have goals" "Don't Fuck with my plan"..all of course screaming in my head, as he is telling me I need to
cross train.

When you have been by yourself for so long (with exercise & working out) its hard to listen to anyone. I know better, I know my body, hence that's why I haven't hired a trainer (plus the embarrassment of how out of shape I am).
But sometimes you just have to listen, pause, hear the words that he, Russ is saying. He cares enough about your goals, about what you are trying to achieve, to offer advise.

I am BLESSED  that my friend is supporting me, helping me, criticizing me and comforting me, all in the name of helping me reach my goal(s). I could not have asked for a better person, to share in this adventure/life change.

So Thank You Russell....Thank you for  joining the gym,  Thank you for being the person that you are and Thank you for letting me be the person I want to be!

Here is to suggestions, being open minded, trying something different/challenging, and to both us living healthier lives..

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