Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Benjamin Franklin: You may delay, but time will not.


New Inspiration..

As the month January is getting closer to the end, I'm already beginning to "validate" what I have done right and what I have done wrong.

Its hard to be good to yourself. To understand that failure will come, its just how you react to it. For every failure, there is a lesson learned. If you learned the lesson, it won't happen again??? So they say.

Bad habits are very hard to break, its easy to get them started, but painful to delete them from your life. For one habit, there is always another lurking around the corner.

Now choices are easier to deal with. Every morning, I have choices to make on how my day is going to go, how my mood is, my goals, what to wear, what to eat....and so on. But for some silly reason, I don't feel like I'm giving into or giving up anything, when I just make a simply choice. If I choose to eat a hamburger, then I choose to run longer and do more sit ups...maybe I will stop eating hamburgers for awhile because I'm tired of having to work hard to keep it off my Ass? But again those are choices...

The label "Bad Habit(s)" is just wrong. Their are bad CHOICES, and with those choices come consequences, just the same as good choices. So today I have vowed to redirect my analogy of myself and those BAD habits, to making better choices that will result in positive consequences. 

For me, this is a LIFE change. My weight should reduce, my health should be partially restored, and my energy with be at its best, but my LIFE will be more enriched with the changes, the choices I make every day! 

So stop giving up, or giving into that demon called "Habit" let it go, and embrace the POWER of choice... it is the ULTIMATE gift to one self.


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