Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Its a secret...

Its funny..you get to the gym and you feel good, your favorite treadmill is open, the TV is NOT tuned into that mindless Kardashin  (yeah the spelling might be off, but I really don't give a shit) crap, and you start.

Uh, hello start..legs go.."I SAID FUCKING GO". Yah, not moving so quick. You notice your heartrate is running a bit high, that stupid air pocket in my right ankle doesn't want to release (should of "popped" it before I started) and my tummy starts to tighten up.

Then it happens..the song comes on my iPod shuffle and I began to get in a rythum..just keep going, keep going.

I stare a lot when I run, thats cause I'm thinking. Visualizing everything from me being thinner on the beach in Maui, to a strip-tease dance in a mini skirt for Russ. But my biggest weapon of choice is my sister Chris.

In the last few years she has accomplished so much with her physical fitness, how could you not be impressed? And tap into her strength/courage.


I have a little secrect I'll share with you...
I visualize my sister Chris running with me at the gym. When it gets close to my last 1/2 mile and I'm struggling, she looks at me, gives me the thumbs up, and I give it back. She signals 5 more minutes, look ahead its, the FINISH LINE. I see it too, I push myself harder to to get there quicker. I have done it...
Silly as it may seem, it works every time!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww shucks.... I'm flattered that I'm a source of motivation for you but I want you to visualize a different finish from now on. You see yourself running, you get an encouraging thumbs up from me, and now you see the finish line, you give me a look as if to say, "I think I can make it." then you KICK IT IN GEAR AND BEAT MY ASS ACROSS THE LINE! Now, that's how you finish a race!
